My daughter has ultra-sensitive skin. I am lucky we use cloth.
But for the past few days, she has broken out in a weird rash. Because creams and lotions are not good for cloth diapers, my first instinct was the put her in a sposie and slather her with cream. It seems to be helping, but doing that is somewhat of a Catch-22.
By that I mean that I think the sposie is contributing to the rash, so even though she is slathered up, it isn't getting a whole lot better.
When she wakes up, I hope air drying is going to help. Then back to a BG (without cream). Here's hoping that lots of diaper changes are going to help this!!
lanolin is cloth diaper safe and works as a great moisture barrier. also you may want to looking into stripping your diapers. they can hold soap residue which may cause a rash. hope that helps.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I had no idea that lanolin was safe on cds! I have tons of that stuff around here. And, it probably is time to strip again. Again, thanks for commenting!