To me, pocket diapers just seem easier. And they are, mostly. They made it easy for me to learn to cloth diaper. They made it easy to talk my husband into using cloth, too. And I admit it, they make it easy to convert others to cloth.
But, after two years of using pockets almost exclusively, I am going rouge.
We are using prefolds.
When a fellow cloth diapering mama (and good friend) found out I was into the prefolds, she exclaimed that I now a real cloth diapering mama. (As if those two years of washing, stuffing, snapping and changing didn't count...)
And I have confession: I only used them because my sister gave them to me. And not just one or two. She passed down an entire boatload. If you know my husband, you know we never pass up free items. Ever. And because we had no diaper covers to go with them, I used the free prefolds as an excuse to purchase some Flips. I reasoned to my husband that we could use the Flip inserts with our toddler, and give the prefolds a try on our infant using the same covers. Oh, and I think I threw in that the Flip covers would be great for potty training, too. You know, to go over those simple Gerber training panties I caved in and bought at Target one day. No, we have never used them for that. We just clean up accidents. Or I let my kid go naked so accidents don't happen.
What first appealed to me about the Flip diaper system was simply changing out the insert and not the whole diaper. But, isn't this the concept of the prefold system? Doesn't the Flip system simply model the prefold system? All they did was turn the old-school model into a cool new modern version (and added stay-dry protection, which is fab!), and it caught my attention. I had to try it!
But as it is, I love the prefolds in the Flip covers. Love them! Maybe more than the Flip inserts. Maybe. And suddenly, stuffing my pocket diapers isn't as fun as it once was. (Yes, I used to find it soothing to stuff and fold diapers.)
Suddenly, it's a lot easier to just put the prefolds into threes and pile them up next to the covers.
Suddenly, tossing the entire diaper into the wetbag takes up too much room.
Or is it because I am now washing and folding diapers for two kiddos that makes the simplicity of prefolds so adorable and appealing?
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